FREE webinar and 10% OFF all orders
Did you know compost is so amazing it gets its own official international week every year? We get very excited during Compost Week and this year is no exception!
To celebrate we’re offering everybody 10% OFF ALL ORDERS! But hurry, the offer ends this Sunday (May 8). (Enter coupon code COMPOSTWEEK10 at the checkout)
We’re also offering you a FREE webinar to brush up on your Autumn composting skills, on 3rd May at 6 pm-7pm.

What could be more amazing than literally creating life from death?
More beautiful than once-living organic matter passing through a magical metamorphosis no less awe-inspiring than a caterpillar becoming a butterfly
If it wasn’t for compost, nature's original recycling system, our planet would have run out of the building blocks of life itself a billion years ago, or be covered in piles of dead things higher than the Himalayas.
And, if you look closely, you can witness this spectacle right here right now, on every forest floor, atop every mountain range, beneath every ocean and within every desert... in fact, in every backyard and balcony across the planet. Even inside your own wonderful tummy!
We’ll be sharing our love of compost loud and proud every day on social media.
Yesterday we shared our love of Community
Today our love of Obtaining a Yield
Tomorrow the wonderful world of Microorganisms
C.O.M… hmmm… I wonder what word that will spell with four more creative composty themes?
We’d love you to join us by sharing your own love of compost on social media.
- Pic of your compost bin and amazingly lush veggies?
- Vid of you yelling ‘I love Compost’ as loud as you can into the wind?
- Interpretive dance of the cycle of life?
No matter how you choose to express yourself, tag with #compostrevolution and we’ll dig it and re-share it.
Compost Week runs from May 1 to May 7, so be like a worm and get your wriggle on, Grab a discount, a free webinar and spread some compost love, with us.